Yifan Lu's Fundraiser

Bring Friendship to Isolated Elders in the Bay Area
Join me and help make a difference, please give today.
Join me and make a positive change in the lives of San Francisco elders. Help create a continuum of care benefiting elders served by LITTLE BROTHERS-FRIENDS OF THE ELDERLY
I have been involved with LBFE for 18 months and have had such a great experience as a board member and volunteer. The organization provides the opportunity for life-changing experiences for both the volunteer and the senior. During one of my first volunteer events, I spoke to one of the elders and she told me that her life has changed so much for the better since being a part of LBFE and that she feels like a whole new person. The caring and generous spirit of the organization makes it one that I am proud to serve, and it is with this sincere commitment of the organization that the elders experience the joys of holiday parties, birthdays celebrations, and, most importantly, friendships.
Just a small donation will go a long way to help meet my fundraising goal for LITTLE BROTHERS-FRIENDS OF THE ELDERLY